Welcome to WildNatureScapes

"Chasing the Unknown"


Who We Are

Himalayan Black Bear

WnS is founded by group of passionate wildlife explorers whom have travelled across 30+ countries across continents in search of some of the most rare & endemic species and we are here to help you to explore best wildlife with us.

We are among the leading Wildlife experience curator from India with expertise in creating unique & thrilling Circuit Tours

Circuit tours are designed with lot of R&D & experienced partners & with aim to explore, sight & capture best wildlife diversity of a particular region. Such tours ranges from 15 to 25 days. Besides circuit tours, for wildlife explorers seeking moderate (14-7 days) & short tours (less than 7 days) we have some best curated itinearies from across the globe.

Our aim is to create "An experience of lifetime" as we are on mission on "Chasing the Unknown"

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin for all updates, latest offers, exploring beautiful wildlife & much more


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Best time depend upon location & type of wildlife experience

    India (Tiger Safaris) - mostly winters are the best time due to comfort of people as heat is less, however sightings can be little challenging specially of big cats

    On the other hand, summers provide more probability of sightings of big cats provide one can bear scorching heat

    India (Birding) - Winters provide good time as its best time for most of the migration happening in India. Since birding is mostly done on foot therefore winters are always good

    However in Himalyas even early summers & before monsoon are great for birding (between Apr to early Jun).

    India (Snow Leopard Safaris) - Peak Winters are the best ie Dec end to Feb end & one need to be comfortable at High Altitude of Spiti/Ladakh with temperature ranging from -20 to -30 degree

    Africa (Gorilla Treks) - Mostly these treks take place in highlands/mountain terrains of Uganda/Rwanda/Congo and best time is to go in dry season as treking becomes little easy. These treks almost gurantee 90% chances of sighting but going in correct weather adds to the experience. Contact us for more details

    Africa (Safaris) - Africa safaris are great sight in whatever season one travel but one can choose best time based on there specific target

    Sighting Migration - Best possibility is from July to September in Kenya & Tanzania

    Sighting Hunting - Best posibility in from Dec end to Feb in Kenya & Tanzania

    Birding - Best time July-Sep across Africa

    Best time depend upon location & type of wildlife experience

    Besides above & depending upon you comfort, safaris can be planned in other months/summer as its always astonoshing to witness wildlife in different weathers

  • Infants & children below 5 years are generally advised not be taken on safaris as we have strict protocols on movement of body, voice etc. However many people do carry children from 3-5 yrs & have fun.

    Some parks (specially private reserves) have restrictions on children under certain age

    Contact us for more details

  • In today's time, safari experience is one of the safest adventurous experience one can have. There are proper medical & evacuation facilities available in all the major parks around the world

    However its highly advised to have medical/travel insurance as one is traveling to wild side of the world

    Also depending upon type of safaris, difficulty level changes eg:-High Altitude or Walking or Treks require reasonable level of physical fitness

    Contact us for more details

  • Cost of safaris depends largely upon the location, type of stay and experience your seeking. Various options are available from economy to premium & one can choose as per there comforts

    However some exclusive experience comes with expensive tag such as Gorilla Treks permit

    Contact us for more details

  • Yes, we do except for air tickets, visas & insurance

    In certain tours, pick & drop from airport/railway station/bus stand is available on optional basis & Client can choose to manage it at there end

  • No for pregnant womens for any type of wildlife experience

    For old aged, we have experience of people from age 60-80 accompanying on some of the toughest wildlife experience such as Red Panda Trek, Gorilla Trek. So it all depends upon your will & health conditions but health comes first so Client need to be aware of all pros & cons